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Full-Fat Milk Could Cut the Risk of Stroke and Heart Attack

Full-Fat Milk Could Cut the Risk of Stroke and Heart Attack

A recent article quoting a new study from the University Of Texas School Of Public Health adds to the growing body of evidence that all the rhetoric about avoiding dairy and fat from it that has been promulgated all these years is dead wrong. This rhetoric fueled the rise of artificially produced fats which are now known to be toxic. Nothing should be eaten in large quantities because it will cause obesity which causes myriad other problems. But it is now abundantly clear from this and numerous other studies that the right, natural fats are good for you. This means that milk, whole milk, and cheese – again in moderation – are not only delicious but also healthy. The key takeaway is that natural and organic are what is important. Avoiding antibiotics and growth hormones in milk is what matters, but the milk itself and its derivative products are healthy and nourishing.

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Full-Fat Milk Could Cut Risk of Stroke, Heart Attack



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  • American Academy Regenerative Medicine
  • American Academy and Board of Regenerative Medicine
  • American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine
  • isakos
  • Rush University Medical Center
  • American Association of Nurse Anesthetists
  • American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
  • European Society of Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery Academy
  • International Cartilage Repair Society