Preserve the Biceps
New study shows “Shoulder Subpectoral BicepsTenodesis Significantly Increases the Humeral Fracture Risk”
New study shows “Shoulder Subpectoral BicepsTenodesis Significantly Increases the Humeral Fracture Risk”
The results of this study shouldn’t surprise anyone really. Alcohol has well known direct deleterious effects on the brain. And while excessive drinking is known by all to be harmful, even small amounts of alcohol intake were found in this study to be harmful. The effect is small with one drink per day, but goes up dramatically at the level of two drinks per day.
If you are dying from Leukemia, a new immunotherapy modifies your immune cells & CAN SAVE YOUR LIFE: BUT IT IS PRICED AT $475,000 BY NOVARTIS!
What is it? A nutritional supplement made from pine bark that recent studies indicate may be one of the three most useful for arthritis and inflammation...
It is a rich source of Omega 3 fatty acids (although other fish oils may have more), and studies have shown that these are helpful in treating arthritis. Cod liver Oil is also rich in Vitamins A and D. It has also been widely used for arthritis pain for generations. In fact a UK study of home remedies found it to be one of the most common.