Virtually all #bunions can be treated without surgery. Despite that about 150,000 bunion surgeries are performed each year. There are many failures and complication. Here is how to treat without surgery…
You need to stretch the deviated big toe back straight, and then wear a “bunion brace” overnight. This is a simple low profile device you can get online for about $40, or less. During the day you can put cotton or plastic wedges between your toes if you have closed toes shoes. If you are wearing an open one I would strongly suggest one such as shown here. A patient of mine found this one on her own and wears it. It is practical and stylish. Correction can take 6 -12 months. Most important is to get wider shoes as bunions are 100% caused by shoe wear. For gym shoes I would suggest new balance which comes in 2E and 4E widths – and their salespeople at their stores are knowledgeable.